We use the highest standards and technologies to protect our clients data and ensure their privacy.
We guarantee the protection of your information from any illegal hacking, breach or miss use.
We won’t share your information with any out sider entities, information provided to us will be used according to terms & conditions.
Zadcall employees won’t have access to your information, and they are not allowed to use your information in any way.
We audit all the information provided to us by experts, Experts are only enlisted in Zadcall after they complete all the requested papers.
If you shared any private information through your calls it will be your own responsibility.
The content of your call won’t be recorded or used by any way.
Zadcall has the right to keep the user’s date and share it with any third party that will process this data, or in the event of selling the company, and there is no legal obligation to inform the users.
Zadcall has the right to adjust and alter the privacy policy at any time, Try to check the privacy policy more often.